Here's one story in a day of a life of someone, a story on sleep apnea. It's kind of like which came first, the chicken or the egg.  In the case of the apnea, it's which came first, the stress, or the apnea.  There are worse health issues people go through.  But the doctors did not put the pieces together of my health until I was close to the edge of spiraling out of control  Even now, the damage is done and will take years to straighten out.  The years of being tired, and not knowing what really was the cause.  The years of being totally exhausted at times and having little patience for people.  The years of dealing with high blood pressure, and a list of small other heatlh issues all most likely from the sleep apena.  Even once diagnosed, it took months to the get the sleeping device needed and the adjustment period to the device.  Still in the process of assesing the damage to every pharse of my life, and trying to pick up the pieces.  God got me through it, but there were days were trying to be positive was futile.  The days I could be and perserved, there was slow grinding progress, and eventually new opportunites in life and new perspectives that were never thought of before!

God has a plan for all of us, it can be a very dark road sometimes.

Truly yours,

In need of sleep!