There is Always Someone to Talk to!
LIfe presents many new challenges and struggles. If you feel there is no hope, no way out of the physical or mental pain you or someone you know is going through - there is always someone to talk, always a way to start turning things use one quote "As Long As You Have A Heartbeat, You Have A Purpose."
If talking to someone you know is not the best option, please see the resources listed below:
Most call lines are staffed by volunteers and suicide attempt survivors, YOU ARE NOT ALONE and others have gone through the same struggles in some way.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline - or 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
New Jersey Hope Line - or 1-855-NJ-HOPELINE or 1-855-654-6735 then click on "Call Center" and several different Support LInes are listed for Active Military, Poilice Officers, Moms, Caregivers for elderly.
Prefer to just text someone, see or text 741-741